DBMS Questions Asked in Interview
- What is DBMS?
- Write a Query to Find the Second Highet Salary in the Employee List.
- What is Tables & fields in DBMS?
- What is Unique Key?
- What is Primary Key?
- What is Foreign Key?
- What do you mean by DESC?
- What is joins ? Types of join?
- Write query to find all employees from employees table have First Name as ‘Robert’ and Last Name as ‘Smith’ and age in DESC Order?
- Write query to get data from row 5 to row 15 while table has 20 rows?
- What is LIMIT and SKIP in sql?
- Difference b/w Primary Key and Foreign Key?
- Can we have duplicate Primary Keys in a table?
Data Structure Questions
- Linked List
- Stack
- Queue
- How may Data Types there?
- What is array?
Conceptual Questions
- What’s Inheritance?
- Types of Inheritance.
- What’s Multiple Inheritance.
- What’s Multi-Level Inheritance.
- What’s Constructor?
- What is OOP?
Java Questions
- Features of Java?
- What is Exception Handling?
- How to Handle Exceptions?
- Can we use multiple inheritance in Java?
JavaScript Questions
- What is ES6?
- Features in ES6?
- Arrow function?
- Difference b/w function and arrow function?
- Difference b/w ‘==’ and ‘===’ ?
React Questions
- What are lifecycle methods in React?
- Which lib you have used in React JS and why?
- Can we write jQuery with React or inside React Project?
- Can we use lifecycle methods in functional components?
- What is HOOKs? Tell some HOOKs?
- Difference b/w npm and Yarn?
- Describe GET, POST, PUT, PATCH and DELETE method?
- Difference b/w PUT and PATCH?
- Tell about React project structure?
- What is Branches?
- How to Switch one Branches to Another?
- Why we use Push Command?
- Why we use Pull Command?
- Why we use Commit?
- Write the command to Commit the code.
C Program
- Write a program to print Reverse Number?
- Write a program to find Fibonacci series?
- Write a program to find is number even or odd?
Some Personal, Resume & Company Based Questions
- Tell me somthing about youself.
- Tell me somthing about your Projects.
- What was your Minor Projects?
- What was your Role in the Projects?
- Which Languages did you use for that Specific Project?
- Tell me something about Bestpeers.
- Do you know anyone in our company? If Yes! Then How.. Otherwise It’s Okay.
- How you rate your skills out of 10?
Author: @KishanGupta114
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